Mum Who Refused to Abort One of Her Miracle Triplets Gives Birth To Three Healthy Babies

Despite doctor’s warnings, a mum has given birth to three healthy babies after refusing to abort one of her miracle triplets and spending £23,000 on a last-ditch IVF bid.

Christy and Ryan Beck from Richmond, Virginia, feared they would never become parents after years of failed attempts but now they are now celebrating the arrival of their ‘miracle’ triplets.

In desperation, the couple, from Richmond, Virginia, in the US took out a huge $30,000 (£23,000) loan for a final round of IVF .

And when scans first revealed Christy was pregnant and expecting twins, the couple was ecstatic. They had transferred two embryos to improve their chances of success.

At their 12-week ultrasound a third ‘hidden’ baby was discovered, but instead of joy they were presented with an impossible decision – to terminate one or risk losing two of them.

They refused to abort one of the babies and thankfully, Christy gave birth to Rockwell and identical twins Cali and Elli – who she calls her ‘little miracles’.

Christy, now a full-time mum, said: “We were told that since the identical twins were sharing a placenta one could not get enough blood and the other too much risking their chances of survival.

“They gave me the choice to terminate one of my babies or risk losing the twins.

“It was crazy to go from the joy of the third baby to talking about terminating one of them.

“But we felt we were given a third baby for a reason, so we decided to take our chances.”

She added: “I worried constantly during the rest of my pregnancy, checking to see if all three were breathing, if there were three heartbeats, and whether they had all of their limbs, fingers, and toes.

“It was so heart wrenching and then every time I heard their hearts beat it would make me cry with relief.

“To have them all three come out alive and healthy without any hearing, vision or any other problems was a literal miracle.

“It’s like we have an instant family, we are over the moon – they have matching cribs, share the same room, have matching clothes it’s perfect.”

Christy said: “It was a miracle. The feeling was amazing. I never thought I would be able to have children and yet I always wanted them so badly.”

Due to having a high-risk pregnancy, the mum-to-be was put on bed rest from 20 weeks.  She struggled with pain and acid reflux from three infants pressing firmly on her gall bladder on top of her mobility issues.

Despite the debt the couple now face, Christy, who is now a full-time mother, insists their brood was worth every penny.

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