Mom’s Reaction to Delivering a 13-Pound “Toddler” Is Priceless

Carrying a baby for nine-months is always special, and giving birth to the baby remains one of the most memorable things that has ever happened to Dr. Eric Edelenbos and Corbitt family.

Although Chrissy and Larry Corbitt were already parents to four kids, their previous experiences didn’t prepare them for the major surprise that accompanied baby Carleigh’s delivery: she weighed in at 13 pounds and five ounces.

Being her fourth child, Christine is used to giving birth to relatively huge babies. Her first three kids weighed in at around nine to 10 pounds.

Christine said: “When the doctor was pulling her out of me I just start hearing them all laughing and excited in the operating room. They were throwing out numbers and when they showed her to me and said 13.5, I couldn’t believe it.”

“It looked [like] they pulled a toddler out of my belly. She’s so big.”

Even though Carleigh was born already weighing almost double the weight of an average newborn baby, her parents shared that she was actually delivered a week early.

“It was so funny because she had a C-section so all the blankets were over her so you couldn’t see what was going on,” Larry said.

“The doctor said, ‘Oh my gosh, she’s going to be 15-pounds.’ I remember the doctor saying, ‘I don’t think this baby is going to end. Are there two of them?'”

Carleigh’s size has caused her parents a little difficulty because everything they purchased in advance, from diapers to clothing, is too tiny.

“She’s like a 6 month old baby . . . everything we got to prepare is just out the door,” Larry said. “The clothes she had on yesterday was a 9-month outfit. She’s huge.”

Since Carleigh’s newborn images have gone viral, it’s been difficult to keep from falling in love with every inch of her.

“She’s just filled with rolls. She’s just a big squishy baby. She’s so adorable,” Chrissy said.

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