Mom Of Quadruplets Shares Awe-Inspiring Before And After Pregnancy Images While Opening Up About How Her Body Has Changed

‘Behind these babies are new marks, rolls, and skin’: Mom of QUADRUPLETS shares awe-inspiring before and after pregnancy images while opening up about how her body has changed.

After giving birth to her first child four years ago, Lindsay Hay, 28, had suffered from multiple miscarriages. She and her husband Syman Hay were therefore taken by surprise when her ultrasound results from last year showed that they were expecting quadruplets.

Lindsay was prescribed the hormone medication Follistim after doctors determined that her low egg quality was the cause of her miscarriages. On cycle 3 of the treatment, she conceived the quadruplets.

Some of Lindsay’s doctors, however, weren’t as pleased as Lindsay and Syman were. Hay and her husband Syman were advised by reproductive endocrinologists to think about performing a selective pregnancy reduction.

Lindsay was 5-foot-2 and about 115 pounds at the time, and doctors doubted whether her small body could handle such a huge pregnancy.

However, Lindsay had confidence in herself and decided to keep them all. Finally, on July 23, 2019, she gave birth to her four happy little bundles: Caiden Michael, Madison Grace, Lucas Willam, and Grayson James.

Lindsay Hay, a mom of five who gave birth to miracle quadruplets, recently took to Instagram to open up about what it was like to carry four babies at once. Along with jaw-dropping side-by-side comparisons, Lindsay also spoke about the beneficial effects having four young children at once had on her.

At around 20 weeks, Lindsay said, her cervix started thinning. “I was terrified and convinced I was going to lose them. But I didn’t. I kept pressing on and eventually made it to 30 weeks and four days!”

“Full hands, full heart is an understatement!” “Full hands, full heart is an understatement! They have surpassed every hope and dream I had envisioned during my pregnancy and even though time is passing quickly I know the best is yet to be.”

Lindsay recalls how uneasy she was at the time. She is happy that she made it that far along in her pregnancy despite the fact that it was nearly impossible for her to stand. Looking back on her photos, all she could think was, “My little body did that?!”

It is not the first time that Lindsay has shown off her enormous bump; throughout her pregnancy, she regularly documented her growing tum, sharing updates with her followers about how she was handling her changing body.

She wrote: “Behind these babies are new marks, rolls, and skin you can’t see but they also came with new strengths I didn’t have before either. We have been so blessed and I won’t ever let myself take this life for granted.”

Contrary to what reality TV shows portray, Lindsay claims that life with higher-order multiples is actually simpler than it appears. Of course, it also has its share of difficulties.

The mother of five claims that she is constantly on the go and that she no longer gets much sleep, although the media frequently exaggerates these claims. With five wonderful children, we can only imagine the overwhelming amount of joy and energy in the Hay household!

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