LABOUR OF LOVE: These Award-Winning Photos Prove That Moms Are Awesome

The miracle of birth has been laid bare in this series of intimate snaps capturing the moment a baby is born. With graphic and dynamic images recording each baby’s moment of birth, a photography competition is changing that.

As such, we must warn you that many of the photos below are intense and graphic, so reader discretion is advised. Birth photography will probably become more popular and accepted in the future, but that time has not yet come. Scroll down below to see these powerful and unique images, and let us know what you think in the comments.

The competition is run by the The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP). More than 300 entries were received under four categories, labour, delivery, birth details, and postpartum.

First Place Winner: Stunning Siblings First Encountertegory, ‘flesh of my flesh’ won, taken by Esther Edith in the US.

Raw Emotion

Honorable Mentions: Nurse Linda


Brand New Toes


Discovering The Love Chromosome

Woman Power

So Much Love

Best In Category: Birth Details, Birth Of A Brother

Colorful Life

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