I’m 33 With 12 Kids And I’ve Basically Been Pregnant For 17 Years – People Always Assume I’m On Benefits But I’m Not

Britni Church, 33, from Arkansas City, Kansas, was only 16 when she had her first child in 2004. She then gave birth to three additional children between the ages of 17 and 19, four more in her 20s, and then triplets at 30.

Two years later, at 32, Britni gave birth to one more baby, bringing her total to 12 children and meaning she had been pregnant on and off for almost 17 years of her life. Now, finally, she reckons she’s all done having children… but her husband doesn’t agree.

Mum said that “I think I’m done,” although she adds that her husband would gladly have more if she changed her mind.

Britni also has six older children from two previous relationships. These are Crizman, 17, Jordan, 16, Caleb, 14, Jace, 13, Cadence, 12, and Jesalyn, 10. Before meeting Chris in 2014, Britni spent three years raising five children as a single mum.

At the age of 22, Britni was a single mother of five children. She claims that while in a different relationship, which ultimately ended in failure, she became pregnant and gave birth to her sixth child. She then met her now-husband Chris when she was 25 and the couple have had six children since, taking the total up to 12.

And while doesn’t plan on having any more children, she believes she’d be able to carry another healthy pregnancy if she wanted to try for baby number 13.

She regularly shares stories about her family on TikTok, which was started in 2019 and has a total of over 1.8 million followers. According to Britni, one of the reasons she has so many fans is that large families are becoming increasingly uncommon these days, which has led to some individuals being rather infatuated with them.

The youngsters, according to Britni, use two gallons of milk every day, which costs them about $200 each month. This is in addition to the usual shopping for a big family.

The busy mum went viral last month after she posted a video listing how old she was each time she gave birth.

Many commenters were in awe of her but others tried to shame her for having so many kids.

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