Girls Born In Different Colors Make It Nearly Impossible To Tell They Are Twins

These two lovely twin girls were once famous on social networks. Isabella and Gabriella gained their following because of one unique feature.

As you can see, Isabella and Gabriella aren’t identical twins. They certainly do look alike but have different skin colors.

Mom Clementine Shipley wanted to share some pictures online of her beautiful babies, and the twins quickly became internet stars.

“We have received a ton of love from our posts,” Clementine said.

“Isabella is a calm baby and super laid back. She giggles whenever you stare at her and loves to be tickled.”

“Gabriella started crawling at 5 months as has not stopped moving since. She is a smiling ball of energy and loves to snuggle,” a proud mom told.

Many people had guessed that the girls were mixed-race, but they are actually both African-American. Surely, the parents won’t have any problems telling them apart!

The adorable pictures of the twins went viral and Clementine and her husband received a ton of positive comments.

What a beautiful and loving family!

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