First-Time Mum Shocked To Give Birth To Whopping 13lb Baby So Big The Doctors Surprised

A first-time mum was shocked to give birth to a whopping 13lb baby so big that even the nurses and midwives gasped when he came out.

On August 29, an unnamed woman, 30 years old, in Lien Chung, Tan Yen, Bac Giang, Vietnam entered the Obstetrics Department of Bac Giang General Hospital with abdominal pain, 39 weeks pregnant.

At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, after prenatal testing and ultrasound, the pregnant woman is assessed that the fetus is large and has a larger weight than normal. The doctors consulted and concluded: the woman was in labor for the third time, pregnant at 39 weeks and 4 days on the old cesarean section, pre-eclampsia with large fetus, indicated emergency cesarean section.

After 30 minutes of caesarean section with spinal anesthesia, intravenous anesthesia, abdominal incision, the baby girl was born safely with a weight of 13lb before the surprise of the mother and the entire team. surgery.

According to Dr.Tran Hoang Hung, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, this is a rare case, the baby with the largest weight ever was born at the hospital. In addition, the operation also encountered certain difficulties because the woman had had 2 previous cesarean sections, sticky scars, and pre-eclampsia.

According to the doctor directly performing the surgery, said: “This is a rare case, the baby with the largest weight ever was born at the hospital.”

Currently, after 1 day of follow-up, the mother is in stable health, can sit up and walk. The baby is healthy, sucks well, no abnormalities detected. It is expected that mother and baby can be discharged from the hospital in the next 5 days.

Through this, the hospital gives the attention to large pregnant women: periodic antenatal check-ups are needed to monitor the health of mother and baby. Have a reasonable diet and exercise, eat a lot of green vegetables, limit sugar and starch.

Control gestational diabetes, avoid many dangerous complications for both mother and baby. Seek immediate medical attention for headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, weight gain of more than 2.20lb per week. 3 to 6 weeks after giving birth should see a cardiologist and endocrinologist.

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