Exhausted Mum Stunned After Giving Birth To 12lbs Baby Who Is Twice The Average Weight

A NEW mum who spent six hours in labour was surprised to find that her newborn tipped the scales at a whopping 12lbs. It was anticipated that Paula Brown’s baby boy would be bigger than typical, which created some commotion in the delivery room.

Exhausted mother Paula Brown suddenly had think about ditching baby clothes she bought for her tot Theo – because he was nearly twice the weight of a average newborn.

Staff at the Blackburn Birthing Center told the couple that it was the biggest baby they had seen in at least five years, according to the father Gareth Brown, 32.

He said: “We were all making guesses at what weight the baby would come in, but nobody was expecting that. “It was strange, most of the babies there were tiny and Theo was huge.”

Recalling her heroic labour, mum Paula, 33, said: “It was not pleasant and it was hard work and tiring. “But the end result of it all is just fantastic.” Theo’s total weight was 12lb 41/2 oz while an average British baby’s just over 7lbs.

The weight of an average baby in the UK is just over 7 lbs; however, Theo does not take the title of Britain’s biggest baby delivered naturally. That is believed to be the property of Gloucester baby George, who was born in February 2013 and impressively weighed 15 lbs 7 oz. However, compared to the global record, which was set on January 19, 1879, with a baby weighing a jaw-dropping 22 lbs, even he is insignificant.

The family said they had been guessing what weight the baby would come in at, with two previous children weighing in at 9 lbs 3 oz and 9 lbs 8 oz respectively.

‘We were all making guesses at what weight the baby would come in, but nobody was expecting that,’ added Gareth.

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