Dads With Their Babies Showing That Fatherhood Brings Out The Best In Men

Becoming a parent is a happy thing, but the happiest thing is when welcoming your baby to the outside world in a healthy way.

Nothing can describe the feeling of dads and moms when seeing their babies for the very first time. There are few moments in life as moving as when moms give birth and meet their baby for the first time … but what about dads? It’s just as heart-melting. Dads lay eyes on their newborns for the first time and hold his baby in his arms for the first time.

Safe in Dad’s Arms

Photographer Sarah Jankowski explains that this picture was taken immediately after the father saw his daughter give birth at home in a short two-hour labor. “You could tell he loved her so much already!”

First Kiss

A gentle and sweet kiss that a father gives his newborn baby. You can see the joy clearly reflected on the father’s face, when the baby is born safely.

Forehead Smooches

First kiss as a baby, says Benzel. Daddy is content to be cuddling his firstborn.

Holding Him Close

“This is a first-time dad and already his baby boy’s favorite guy!” Benzel says.

Cradled With Love

The smile of countless happiness, when father and son in father’s arms.

Locked Eyes

A father’s inseparable eyes for his baby

The end of a journey

Smiles and happy tears. When he and his wife successfully gave birth, and saw a safe baby angel was born.

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