Couple Who Spent 43,000 Euros On Fertility Treatment Welcome Miracle TRIPLETS After Grandparents Funded Last IVF Attempt

A couple who had spent more than 43,000 euros on fertility treatment have welcomed miracle triplets after their parents stepped in to fund one last IVF cycle.

Niamh and Jeff Quinlan, both 37, of Dublin, had spent their life savings on five unsuccessful rounds of IVF and years of grief when they decided to explore into surrogacy. They had given up hope of ever getting pregnant.

Niamh’s dad and step mum were so devastated to see the couple struggle to become parents that they gave them the cash to fund one final fertility cycle. The treatment was a success and baby girls Molly, Chloe and Megan were born.

Niamh said: “I had given up hope of ever carrying a baby when my dad called me and said he’d put 7,600 euros (£7,000) in my account. I started crying at my office job desk. Even then, I believed it would most likely be money wasted.”

The couple underwent five cycles of IVF with each one ending in heartbreak. They decided to invest all of their remaining funds on paying for a surrogate after spending more than 43,000 euros (£40,000) since they believed they would never become pregnant.

But Niamh’s dad, Michael Foley, couldn’t bare to see his daughter missing out on her dream – and he and Niamh’s stepmother, Patricia, a midwife, convinced them to give it one more shot.

Michael said: “Niamh had always been such a wonderful mother figure, even when she was a little girl.”

Niamh said: “I just broke down in tears when dad told me what they had done for us. It was so unexpected. We decided to go for one last shot with our frozen embryos, but in my heart of hearts, I didn’t think it would work.

She said: “Jeff had an exam that day, and my dad had been staying at our house, so he and Patricia drove me to the clinic.

“When we went in for our first scan, I had an inkling it might be twins because of my high hormone levels. But when they pointed out three babies on the scan, I was gobsmacked.”

After a routine pregnancy, Niamh started feeling ill at 30 weeks and went to the hospital for a checkup. There, doctors advised her that the kids should be delivered right away.

A team of 40 specialist doctors and nurses delivered her daughters at Coombe Women’s hospital, Dublin. Baby Molly, born weighing 3lb 4oz, Megan, weighing 2lb 10oz and Chloe, weighing 2lbs 14oz, were all rushed straight to the NICU.

Niamh said: “Life is pretty hectic now but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s the family I had always dreamed of.Sometimes I have to pinch myself. We had many years where we believed we would never have even one child, much less three.”

Michael said: “There is so much love in that household, it feels wonderful to go and be surrounded with such happiness.

“I am so glad I was able to help my little girl become a mother.

“My granddaughters are wonderful babies, we were so excited to be reunited with them.”

Niamh added: “I can’t thank my dad enough for what he did for us.

“It will be wonderful to tell the girls their special story when they grow up.”

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