Couple Spent £60,000 To Welcome IVF Triplets

After welcoming triplets, a couple who used their whole life savings of £60,000 on five rounds of IVF believe their “dream family” is now complete.

Rebecca Wooldridge, 44, and her husband, David, 49, have spent a lot of money to complete a happy 5-member family.

The pair, from Sutton Coldfield in Birmingham, spent just under £50,000 on four rounds of IVF, both in the UK and abroad, after learning that Rebecca’s egg count was low. They eventually became pregnant naturally with their son Felix, who is now four.

The pregnancy carries hazards, and due to a dangerously low placenta, the expecting mother was compelled to give birth at 29 weeks because doctors were concerned that she might not survive the delivery.

“I’d been told by doctors that I had a low egg count but after seven years of trying IVF all over the world, I ended up falling pregnant naturally with Felix. ‘It then took over three years to then fall pregnant with the triplets in April 2016 after more IVF.

The premature babies, Amelie, Maya-Albertine and Etta, experienced health problems, with Maya-Albertine and Etta born with heart defects.

“We waited 10 years for our dream family and after spending £60,000 it finally became a reality.”

And she had to give birth earlier than expected, the babies were born at 29 weeks of pregnancy. Thankfully after weeks in hospital both myself and the girls, Etta, Amelia, and Maya-Abertine were allowed home.

Rebecca said: ‘Having a family is the most important thing to us and we have to make sacrifices on holidays as well as material things to have enough money.

The triplets have had numerous challenges thus far and have been in and out of the hospital with various ailments, but life has been hectic since we had the triplets. Fortunately, we are presently doing well.

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