Black Nigerian Couple Gives Birth To A White Child

A black, Nigerian couple Ben and Angela Ihegboro living in the U.K. gave birth to a white, blonde, blue-eyed baby that they call “miracle baby.”

Ben and Angela decided to have a third child after having two children and living in England for a while. However, the birth of a baby startled both parents and medical professionals!

Since it occurs so infrequently, it is practically unheard of. It’s rumored that if you stay away from a place for too long, there’s a possibility your unborn child will have the same skin tone as your neighbors.

It happens but it’s rare, in fact, it gave evolutionists more ground to really believe their theory. This life has so many mysteries we are yet to uncover.

The couple, from Woolwich, south London, have two other children: four-year-old Chisom and two-year-old sister, Dumebi. Nmanchi is the couple’s third child and is different from the previous two.

According to a report in the Sun of London, Ben, 44, a customer service consultant for the rail industry, said the couple just sat there after giving birth and stared at their daughter and couldn’t say anything.

She was born at Queen Mary Hospital in Sidcup, Kent. And given the name Nmachi by his parents, the name means “Beauty of God” in Nigerian parlance.

Angela, 35, claims that Nmachi’s color doesn’t matter. “A baby is a miracle baby”.

However, the birth was described as “exceptional” by Prof. Bryan Sykes, the head of human genetics at Oxford University and the foremost authority in Britain. According to him, children of mixed-race people may exhibit the lighter type of skin tone, which can occasionally be strikingly different from the skin of the parents.

This might be the case where there is a lot of genetic mixing, as in Afro-Caribbean populations. But in Nigeria there is little mixing.

The young girl is now older than ten. She is completely healthy and her development is identical to that of her peers. The girl’s facial characteristics resemble those of her father quite much

And this genetic modification of the baby is a miracle.

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