Baby Girl Survived Miraculously After Being Born At 25 Weeks Old Weighing 13oz

Doctors were concerned for baby Kallie Bender’s survival when she was born less than 1 pound prematurely in Phoenix, Arizona. A premature baby girl who was delivered weighing less than a pound and smaller than a Barbie doll has miraculously survived..

Kallie Bender was smaller than a hand and weighted only about 13 oz when she was delivered early at 25 weeks. Her father’s wedding ring could fit on her arm like a huge bracelet because she is just a little over 10 inches long, shorter than a Barbie doll. Kallie, one of the smallest infants ever born in the US state of Arizona, was expected to die, according to medical professionals. The odds were against her folks, dad Dameon and mom Ebonie, but they prevailed. At the age of just under five months, Kallie was finally discharged from St. Joseph of Dignity Health in Phoenix. She has attained a healthy weight of after spending 21 weeks in the newborn intensive care unit 7 lbs and is thriving (NICU). Following her arrival in May, Kallie endured a number of operations, including a difficult heart surgery to correct a common condition known as a ductus arteriosus.

She added: “It was bittersweet to leave. But she’s an amazing little fighter and I can’t wait to see the personality she brings to our family. Mrs Bender, who is at high risk of pregnancy due to high blood pressure, was rushed to hospital when an ultrasound revealed Kallie was too small. There is a lack of fluid around the baby due to a condition called end-diastolic underflow.

The mother was informed by the doctors that Kallie needed to be born early in order to have the best chance of surviving. Ms. Bender, a native of Gilbert, Arizona, described herself as “frightened” and said, “The unknown is so terrifying.” When Kallie was born 15 weeks early, she was whisked right away to the NICU, where she spent the first few months of her life using a ventilator. She underwent intubation and was monitored while being maintained in an incubator.

The Benders stayed with Kallie, consoling and reading to her, hugging her when it was okay to do so, and playing music to encourage her development. However, Kallie steadily got better and, at the age of 150, was finally in good enough health to return home. The hospital reported that she did not have a brain bleed or blindness, which are two dangers for premature and small-for-gestational-age infants.

Mrs Bender said: “I could not be more grateful for the doctors here and for our three primary nurses. They love Kallie and took such good care of her every day that they were here.”


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