Baby Born With Full Head Of Hair Is Being Compared To Mowgli From “The Jungle Book”

Parents Sara Morris, 36, and Joshua Jones, 29, were astonished when Oscar who was born 7lb 8oz emerged with 5cm of thick jet black hair.

This baby boy has been dubbed “Mowgli” by his adoring parents thanks to his thick mop of black hair. Before he was born, Little Oscar Jones’ hair was already 1 cm long when it was discovered on a scan.

His locks were so flowing he needed his first haircut at just eight weeks, and his mum gets stopped in the street by admirers who notice his long mop.

Oscar was given the nickname Mowgli after the Disney character because of his distinctive appearance.

“People on the street come over to us and comment on Oscar’s lovely thick hair,” Sara said.

Sara continued: “We really couldn’t believe just how much hair he had when he was born. It’s not something you see very often.

“His hair was, and is, very thick, and very black. Joshua and I have brown hair, though he’s closer to his dad than to me for that.

“Oscar’s aware that he has so much hair, I think. When we lie him down, he’ll put his arms over his head and play with it.

“But he’ll start crying when he accidentally pulls it, because his fingers get tangled up!”

“We went in for a routine visit and discovered that Oscar already had 1 cm of hair, so we knew he would be born with some head hair. However, we didn’t anticipate quite as much as we did..

“I took one look at him and said – “He looks just like Mowgli”.

“Everyone else then looked and said – “Yeah, you’re right. He’s Mowgli”.

“Joshua’s parents have taken to calling him little Mowgli ever since. It started because of his hair, but he’s also very cheeky, so I think it will stick.”

Because of his remarkable mane, which makes him appear “more like a little man than a baby,” friends have suggested to Sara that Oscar should model.

Friends praised Sara’s photos of Oscar the baby on Facebook, many of whom were amazed by his hair.

One user posted: “Beautiful. Holy Hair! How is that even possible?!!! dude will be shaving before you know it!!!”.

Another wrote: “Looks adorable. So much hair. So dark. Congratulations.”

One said: “Look at all his hair, does he want to share some with me.

Another user posted: “Can’t get over his hair.”

And one friend even suggested: “He is absolutely gorgeous- the hair is amazing! You must both be so proud! He needs to be a model!”

Oscar is yet to watch the classic film, but Disney fan Joshua who works as a warehouse assistant, plans to enjoy it with him in the near future.

Meanwhile, Oscar likes to dress up as Mr Potato Head from the Toy Story film series, and goes everywhere with a Lion King Simba doll.

Sara even dressed him up as Harry Potter, and posted a photo online, where one person commented: “I cannot wait to meet this little wizard everyone loves him …must be that special magic he has. Bless him xx”.

Another mum said: ‘Gorgeous bubba. Xxx********’.

Sara speaks of Oscar as being “very perceptive, bright, and aware”.

She added: “Joshua and I can’t tell if he’ll crawl or talk first!”

“Oscar looks so much older than other babies – it’s his hair!”

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