Baby Born With Beard And Extra Body Hair Dubbed ‘Mini Wolverine’ By Father

Jonathan was born in the early hours of January 28 at United Hospital in Saint Paul, Minnesota. With a face that could melt the hardest of hearts – and the most precious little feet – Jonathan is every bit a beautiful, healthy baby boy. And he also has the back hair of a 50-year-old man that surprised his parents and everyone.

Jonathan’s parents were amazed and proud when he came into the world, with thick black hair covering his arms, legs, back and shoulders. The top of the baby’s beard can even be seen. However, the extra hair on the baby’s head isn’t the only thing he has. His arms, legs, and shoulders were also covered with hair and began to grow beards. The extra hair on Jonathan surprised the couple because none of the ultrasounds during Nancy’s pregnancy showed anything unusual.

Following Jonathan’s birth, his father, a lab technician by trade, was so taken aback by the amount of hair on his body that he dubbed him ‘Mini Wolverine’.

The couple was taken aback by Jonathan’s additional hair because none of Nancy’s prenatal ultrasounds had shown anything unusual. “Since the ultrasound equipment used weren’t the modern 4D ones, everything appeared to be normal. All we knew was that baby was going to be a boy.”

The nurses were all laughing about how he was going to stay warm throughout the cold. It has been a lot of fun for everyone in our family. Jonathan resembles Wolverine in size “Anthony stated

The nurses at the hospital told the parents that Jonathan’s ‘Wolverine’ moniker is not likely to last for long as he would lose the extra hair during bath. Doctors explain that these hairs on the body are called lanugo. They grow on the body of the fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy and, as a rule, disappear by 32-36 weeks. But sometimes children are born with such hairiness, that is soon disappears on its own.

Mostly everyone that visits just says ‘wow he’s got lots of hair’ and jokes about him being born a grown-up man

Jonathan is like a ‘Mini Wolverine’. We cannot believe how much hair he has. When he first came out it had almost formed a beard on his face and some people have joked he will be shaving before he starts walking.

Anyway, Jonathan is a wonderful gift from God to parents. He is growing up healthy, and very handsome.

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