An Incredible Photo Of Twins Hugging In The NICU Is Also Heartbreaking

This incredible photograph shows 11-day-old boy twins meeting for the very first time outside the womb. And although it’s a beautiful photo, it’s also a very sad one.

Twins Hawk and Mason were separated when they were born due to Hawk’s illness. Hawk was diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and placed on a ventilator in a Florida hospital’s NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).

It was a nurse who suggested putting the twins together. But not to comfort Hawk – instead of to soothe Mason who’d been fussing that day.

“The nurse said ‘Why don’t you try laying him down next to Hawk,’” mum Brandy Guettler explained to TV channel CBS12. “So we laid him there and all of the sudden as soon as he felt Hawk, he reached his arm out and grabbed him and just started to smile. The two of them knew they were there for each other.

Brandy and Tommy, Mason and Hawk’s parents, have been sharing images of their little warrior on their Facebook page, begging for prayers. When they published this shot, though, their following rose to 35,000 people, all of whom were praying for good news about Hawk’s health.

“This picture was taken 11 days after they were born, it’s the first time they have ever touched, and as soon as Mason felt Hawk he reached out for his arm and smiled this big.

“We thought it was time for everyone pulling for our boy to see this picture.”

Hawk’s health, however, was critical, and he died just days after the photograph was shot.

Hawk’s parents updated their Facebook page: “Our hearts are saddened this morning as our sweet little man was called home to be with Jesus. He went very peacefully and we know he’s no longer suffering. Please give us some time to grieve and try to start the healing process.”

After a photo of two newborn twins hugging went viral, their parents are using it to raise awareness of the rare birth defect that claimed the life of one of the boy

We hope that Hawk’s family will be able to find some comfort in their incredible photograph. We’re sure both Mason and his parents will treasure it always.

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