Amazing 4D Ultrasound Scans Show Unborn Babies Yawning and Picking Their Noses

The pro-life movement has spent decades teaching society that unborn babies really are not any different than babies who are born. The only difference is their location.

This keeps being demonstrated as technology advances, occasionally in humorous ways. More expectant mothers are observing their unborn kids yawn, wave, and even pick their noses in the womb thanks to the rising usage of 4D and 5D ultrasounds.

One baby looks like he or she is screaming, while another looks thoughtful. Other babies are shown displaying a range of emotions by smiling, frowning and hiding their faces.

Unborn babies do experience emotions, ranging from joy and satisfaction to anger and fear, according to a 2014 German study. German researcher Dr. Ludwig Janus said there is a close connection between mother and child, through which the developing fetus “is confronted with a whole range of feelings and sympathises with them.”

Similar findings were found in a British study from 2007. The researchers looked at fetuses as early as 17 weeks and discovered that they feel stress and worry when their moms do.

And occasionally, unborn children even send their families positive signals. In 2014, an ultrasound of a pregnant woman’s unborn daughter convinced a London mother who was considering abortion to reconsider her decision.

Mother Fay Murrish explained, “We were told Chanel could have operations, but would have only a 50-50 chance of surviving the first and would need two more. Even so, she would only live to be a young adult and eventually require a heart transplant. When you hear it, you start to consider whether you could have a child. But Chanel began to strike.

There was no way I could have a termination. I know she wanted to live because she was giving a huge thumbs-up at her scan.”

Many mothers have reported choosing life after seeing their unborn babies via ultrasound. According to one study, 78 percent of abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable women who had the chance to view their unborn child through ultrasound made the life-affirming decision.

These findings and facts provide hope that unborn babies’ lives will be protected again one day. As technology continues to advance and our understanding of life in the womb increases, the abortion industry will no longer be able to hide behind its lies that an unborn child is nothing more than a “clump of cells.”

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