After Eight Years Of Waiting, The Delighted Parents Finally Bring Home Two Sets Of Identical Twin Girls

Tyson and Ashley got married in 2005, after getting married they always wanted to have a small family.

Tyson grew up in Pleasant Grove, Utah, the oldest of 10 siblings, while Ashley, who moved to the same neighborhood as a teenager, was the youngest of five.

Ashley has sis, a disorder in which the s lining’s tissue protrudes from the body. “It was terrible; there was a period when I questioned whether we would ever have children,” said Ashley. But thanks to Tyson, I managed and maintained my faith.

We can understand that children are always a link that connects family members together, sometimes it is also a motivation for parents to try, a consolation, a solution for when parents do not understand each other.

Tyson and Ashley have faced many obstacles on the way to waiting for their children during their 8 years.

After eight years of trying to conceive, Ashley and Tyson Gardner would have been happy leaving the hospital with one infant son or daughter.

And happiness finally smiled at their efforts, not one but four new girls, thanks to IVF last summer.

Ashley said:” It’s so wonderful to start our lives together and have all of us under the same roof. I feel like everything has been on hold for so long. Finally, we feel like a real family.”

Ashley, who had been diagnosed with endometriosis, was given less than a 40% chance of having a healthy pregnancy with just one child by the medical professionals.

Last July 23, Ashley learned that she was pregnant with two sets of identical twins – a one-in-a-million chance according to her fertility specialist.

Her children were born at 29 weeks of pregnancy on December 28, 2014. The four princesses were named Indie, Esme, Scarlett and Evangeline by their parents.

The couple went back and forth in the neonatal intensive care unit of Utah Valley Medical Center until the babies were sent home by doctors after a few weeks of observation, they went home and the children the baby is healthy and gaining weight steadily.

Ashley said:” Indie is the smallest and she’s the oldest – very feisty and sweet. Esme is mellow and very quiet and Scarlett is so funny. She’ll be our drama queen. Then there’s Evangeline: she’s kind of emotional and wants constant attention. She has the saddest cry you’ve ever heard.”

Sure, it’s hard for parents to take care of four babies at once, but it’s a blessing. It is the expectation of parents, the day they have dreamed of for nearly a decade.

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