After 15 Unsuccessful Rounds Of IUI, A Woman With Two Percent Chance Of Conceiving Naturally Gives Birth To A ‘Miracle’ Baby

After receiving a diagnosis of endometriosis, a locked fetriosis, and a blocked femoral artery five years prior, Andrea Romero, 34, was advised by her doctors of a poor probability of becoming pregnant. There is only a 2% natural possibility for a woman. After receiving a diagnosis of endometriosis and a blocked fallopian tube five years prior, Andrea Romero, 34, was advised by medical professionals about her slim possibility of becoming pregnant.

Andrea and her 37-year-old husband Jonathan, however, never gave up hope. But despite trying for three years, they were unable to become pregnant. The pair began an intrauterine insemination (IUI) fertility treatment in September 2017, but gave up after 15 failed attempts and more over $3,000 over a two-year period. They lost a lot of money and became miserable from experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak. She took a pregnancy test every month, but it came out negative, so she eventually stopped.

It had a negative impact on her health and mind. They were shocked to learn that Andrea was pregnant naturally in January 2020 after not caring how they got pregnant. That was incredible. Please pray. She must check now. She used to detest them because they were always associated with something bad, but one night I simply took one and it had a positive effect. In fact, we rushed to the shops and purchased five more. The anxieties persist, she said, despite the fact that all five tests came back positive.

The couple remained skeptical of the results and began to worry about the risk of an ectopic pregnancy that doctors had warned about earlier. But two weeks later, the couple had a consultation with a doctor, who confirmed the pregnancy and provided the happy couple with the reassurances they needed. It was the best feeling ever and they were expecting. I’d love to be pregnant, but I can’t wait for my baby to be born and I can’t wait to see his little face. They then welcomed their ‘miracle’ son weighing 6lbs 13oz. Think back to your pre-pregnancy years, Andrea.

She said: “We were so desperate to become parents so to hear my chance of conceiving a baby naturally was just two per cent was a real blow and we worried it may never happen for us. He has me wrapped around his little finger and doesn’t even know it yet.”

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