Adorable Moment Preemie ‘Miracle’ Twins Hold Hands For The First Time 10 Weeks After Being Born Prematurely And Under 3lbs

THIS is the adorable moment miracle twins hold hands for the first time – showing their unbreakable bond – after being born 10 weeks early.

Amanda Thomas, 34, gave birth to twins Harper and Gunner at Monmouth Medical Center in New Jersey on December 18, 2019.

Harper weighed a tiny 2lbs 10oz, whilst Gunner was just 2lbs 11oz.

“When I saw them for the first time they were all hooked up on wires and machines,” Amanda said.

Amanda adeed: “(Harper) wasn’t growing or feeding properly so they thought it was something wrong with her intestines. Instead, it was discovered that she had a hole in her heart, necessitating surgery. It was so terrible that all I wanted was for them to live.”

To have the hole repaired, Harper was brought to Columbia Hospital in New York, USA. In separate hospitals, the duo fought for their lives for weeks, but their health eventually got better.

Their mother was able to hold the infants for the first time when they were almost a month old.

The twins were reunited on January 12, 2020 and reached out to clutch each other’s hands as they were cradled by Amanda.

Amanda, a primary special education teacher from New Jersey, US, described them as “fighters”.

“Seeing them both there with lots of wires was too much to handle,” she said.

She added: “That moment when they held hands was the moment it hit me that I had twins. It was the first time I was able to hold them both at the same time. When they went to hold hands, I understood how special of a link these two have and how even a month apart didn’t cause them to forget it. I had faith that they would support one another.”

Harper, who spent 103 days in the hospital and had a temporary feeding tube put in, didn’t return home until March 30. Gunner was discharged from the hospital on February 19, one day ahead of schedule.

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