A Woman Who Gave Birth To Triplets After Beacoming One Of The Uk’s Youngest Surrogates At 21

THREE’S A CHARM Would YOU have done this at her age? Woman becomes a surrogate mum to triplets at just 21

A woman who gave birth to triplets after becoming one of the UK’s youngest surrogates at 21 is now campaigning to see a change in the law to make the process easier.

When she was a teenager, Shaniece Sturdy, from Carshalton, Surrey, became interested in surrogacy after watching an eye-opening TV documentary.

After the birth of her son, Rylee, now four, she contacted a surrogacy centre and came across hopeful parents Joanna and Steve.

She was desperate to help them complete their family and flew to Los Angeles to a specialist clinic to have their embryo inserted.

Shaniece, who has already started her own cleaning business, was shocked when midwives discovered three heartbeats instead of one.

Joanna and Steve, who live in the United Kingdom, were overjoyed to learn they were expecting triplets, and Shaniece now pays them a visit on their birthdays every year.

Shaniece said: ‘Even though I was only 21 and it was a huge responsibility carrying their babies, it was one of the best experiences of my life.

‘I had no morning sɪᴄᴋɴᴇss or cravings, the whole pregnancy flew by and with the support of Joanna and Steve, it was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone.

‘I was only supposed to be helping the family have a brother or sister for their little girl but I ended up giving them three babies at once.

“At our first scan at just a few weeks pregnant, we were all told I was carrying twins, Joanna and Steve had already picked their twin pram.

‘At the 10-week scan I joked, “I wonder if they will find another heartbeat,” and just minutes later, they did.

‘We all opted for a planned C-section at 33 weeks but my waters ʙʀᴏᴋᴇ on Halloween.

“The triplets were taken to intensive care but Willow, Daisy, and Harrison, were all perfectly fine, weighing 4lb 2oz, 3lb 7oz and 3lb 11oz.”

‘I was advise anyone thinking about becoming a surrogate to do it, I can’t wait to do it again.’

The triplets, now three, were home with their parents Joanna and Steve after just two weeks in hospital – now Shaniece visits them every year on their birthday to catch up.

She added: ‘I always get so emotional when I see them, not because I miss them or want more children of my own but because I’m so happy that I was part of their journey.

“I think a lot of people presume you have to use your own eggs when you’re a surrogate but that’s not the case at all.”

“I had Joanna and Steve’s embryo inserted in Los Angeles so it’s biologically their child not mine, I was just the host womb.”

She revealed: “I always get so emotional when I see them, not because I miss them or want more children of my own but because I’m so happy that I was part of their journey.”

She added: “I was only 21 at the time but I wasn’t interested in partying and drinking, I wanted to help another couple fulfill their family dream and raise Rylee properly.

“It really doesn’t matter how old you are, as long as you’re ready and understand the importance of what you’re doing.”

Shaniece didn’t tell her family straight away about her surrogacy plans in case they didn’t approve.

She added: “I decided to conduct all my own research beforehand and it wasn’t until I met the hopeful parents that I told anyone.”

“I was only 21 at the time but I wasn’t interested in partying and drinking, I wanted to help another couple fulfill their family dream and raise Rylee properly.”

“It really doesn’t matter how old you are, as long as you’re ready and understand the importance of what you’re doing.”

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