A New Mum Gives Birth To Triplets And Shows Off Her New Figure After Just Five Months

A mother of triplets has revealed her incredible body transformation five months after giving birth thanks to her three children.

Ramie Snodgrass, 35, from Tacoma, Washington, went from having swollen stomach to barely noticeable post-pregnancy body.

She attributes taking care of babies Anna, Connor and Justin, along with the incredible “strength of the body,” as the reason behind her phenomenal physique.

All of it helped her body get back in shape, from lifting children out of their beds to carrying massive boxes of nappies and pushing their large pram.

She was afraid she might lose her babies during the pregnancy because twins Connor and Justin shared the same amniotic sac, placing them at risk.

Medically called monoamniotic twins, doctors even suggested reducing the pregnancy to one to ensure survival.

But the parents, who believed they were given twins for a reason, decided against termination and went on to have three healthy babies who are now approaching nine months old.

“A big fear of having triplets for me was not being able to do the things I enjoy like running, hiking, and more,” Ramie, a full-time mother, said. “I want to encourage other people, especially other mothers, to not give up on the things that are essential to them as individuals.” I attempted running six weeks after my C-section but found it to be too painful, so I don’t exercise as often as I used to.

“But I think having triplets has kept me slim; lifting them out of their cribs, toting big boxes of diapers, pushing their hug strollers and more is physically strenuous.

“I have a fit body type, I eat very healthily, I don’t exercise regularly but I am taking care of the babies and any chance I get I like to go for walks.

“The amount of times I’m running up and down the stairs, picking up one baby then another when they begin to cry, is pretty physically demanding.

“I was so scared of losing my babies that the pictures remind me of how I almost wasn’t a mum.

“In the second picture where they are having fun on the yoga mat on the grass I recognise how strong the body can be.

“I’m very grateful and lucky to be a mother; I’m in such a different emotional space now, and I’ve been utterly transformed.”

Ramie and Brad were taken aback when they learned they were expecting triplets.

“Our aim was to have one baby; we didn’t use reproductive help,” Ramie explained, “but in our ultrasound, they were like, ‘There’s one, no wait, there’s three.'”

“I wish I could say my initial reaction was happiness, but I was scared, worrying how we would afford and manage with three infants.

“After that we realised we were given the biggest miracle and blessing.”

The parents were given the difficult choice of keeping all three of their children or aborting the twins to guarantee their daughter’s safety.

Ramie said: “We knew they would be premature and that was scary enough, but doctors also spoke to us about reducing to a single pregnancy.

“But we believed we were given triplets for a reason and whatever the future held for us, that was the life we would have.”

Thankfully, the triplets survived, with Anna weighing 3lb 3oz and Justin weighing 3lb 8oz and Connor weighing 3lb 7oz.

Ramie uploaded two photos of herself after returning home and adjusting to life with their three new additions: one of her large baby bulge and another five months later.

“I’m thankful to have my body back, I was uncomfortable being pregnant, especially as I have always kept very fit.”

For Ramie, the most important difference between the two images was her mental and emotional transformation.

She added: “I was surprised by the response I received; to me it’s more than just a physical body transformation, it’s also a mental and emotional one too.

“I have a lot of fun dressing them up; while I’m taking time out to be a mum it’s great to have a creative outlet and enjoy my kids.

“They are really spoiled – in a good way – and get lots of love.”

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