A Mum Giving Birth In A Wheelchair In A Hospital Corridor, After Just 90 Minutes Of Labour

In front of a vending machine, Elvira Greene, 30, gave birth at St. George’s Hospital in Tooting, South London. Fortunately, her aunt Patricia Brown-Greene, a 51-year-old hospital midwife, rushed outside in time to welcome infant Comfort. Elvira, a mother of three from nearby Wimbledon, said exclusively to Fabulous Digital: “I can feel the baby coming and I just know she has to be delivered now. I’m powerless to stop it from occurring. I don’t even consider my location; all I know is that my aunt is there and will watch over her.

“When I realized she was born, I thought, ‘Oh my God, that’s crazy.

“I didn’t have any painkillers because the labor was so short, we didn’t have time to get into the room.

“I don’t know what I would do without my aunt there. I have never experienced anything like it.”

Just before midnight on March 13, 2017, Elvira gave birth to her third child with husband Eric Boakye-Ansah, 35, a security guard. Elvira called her mother Jacqueline, 54, in the middle of the night, asking to be taken to the hospital and picked up at 12:20. After a 30-minute drive through South London, the family arrived at A&E around 1am. They were then faced with a 10-minute wheelchair hunt and search for elevators, stopping to ask cleaners for directions.

After all that, it wasn’t until 1:30 a.m. that the family reached the right hospital floor. They were forced to stop the hunt for the midwifery department when the baby’s head appeared. Elvira had no choice but to give birth in a wheelchair.

“My room was right in the hallway and my husband was pushing me,” she said. I just shouted ‘my baby’s here’, I couldn’t help it. This is crazy. It goes so fast which I guess is better because that means less pain. But it wasn’t perfect, I was worried that everything would be okay.”

Comfort, now two years old, was born at 1:47 a.m. on March 14, weighing 7lb 4oz.

As they made their way to the maternity section, where they met the midwives, Eric continued to push his wife and daughter through the dim hospital hallways. Later that day, happy father Eric was able to take the family home because the mother and child were both in good health. Fortunately, there were no problems, and we returned home the same day. We are truly pleased when we are comfortable. Being back at home with family is wonderful. She now has plans to show Comfort the “crazy” video when Comfort is old enough to comprehend it.

“It was something for both of us to look back on in later years and talk about it,” Elvira said. We’ll have a joke about it. It was just an out of this world experience. Her second son was born on the living room floor, when Elvira was home alone, what she described as a very scary experience.

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