Woman, 29, Told By Doctors She Would Never Have Children Miraculously Became Pregnant With TRIPLETS

Megan Overton was informed she would never be able to have children when she was just 27 years old. The Sydney-born woman had a dream about being pregnant just a year later, which proved to be a sign. She is going to have triplets. But when Megan’s two daughters passed away, that joy was soon replaced by sadness. I had three children planned, but I didn’t. Megan’s problems started in 2015, when she went six months without getting her period. Surgery was performed to remove a tumor. Megan stopped having periods soon after that. She was given an early menopause diagnosis after tests revealed she was “essentially egg-free.”

Megan was shocked by the news because she had always fantasized about having kids and had never considered the possibility that she would not be able to do so in the future. You really don’t give that much thought, do you?” she asked. You just assume that you can and that it will happen when you’re ready. I’m the fourth child in a large family. We’ve always wanted a family of our own because Jesse is one of seven. The physicians advised Megan and Jesse that IVF was their “only shot” to become parents. received three eggs in a round, but was unsuccessful in surviving past the first day. The newly engaged pair was dealt a devastating setback and began to think about egg donation and adoption. But then one day, right after Christmas 2016, Megan had a vivid dream that she was pregnant. I looked down at my belly, saw a big belly and put my hand on it, I knew I was pregnant,’ she said.

When Megan wakes up, she tells Jesse right away, who calls her “crazy.” The couple noticed a fairly pronounced line on the pregnancy test she purchased the same day. I just laughed,” Megan remembers saying at the time. I believe it to be somewhat of a joke; we believe it might be inaccurate. Megan is two weeks pregnant, according to a digital test Jesse performed while running outside. She keeps running the tests every few days, but she’s still not certain it’s possible. The couple was advised by Megan’s doctor to temper their expectations because there was a very high likelihood of miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. Megan didn’t truly think she was pregnant or find out how many children she was carrying until she had an ultrasound carrying. The ultrasound lady, I think she’s the junior, she’s glued to the screen. She said, ‘You’re definitely pregnant,'” Megan recalls.

The pair initially shared a one-bedroom apartment with two dogs while concentrating on planning logistics like moving house. How do you manage three infants? For the first few weeks, that was our biggest concern, Megan said. The couple was thrilled, though, and they even chose the names Georgie, Estelle, and Milo for their three future children. We thought it would be a boy and named it Milo when we found out I was pregnant,” she said. “We couldn’t stand to alter when we found out they were all females.” However, during a 13-week scan, physicians broke the couple’s heart with devastating news that quickly took over their world. Estelle possesses fatal flaws. They warned the pair, “You might lose one, if not two.”

On July 5, Megan underwent surgery, but shortly after she was sent to the hospital’s delivery room to be watched, Georgie’s heart rate dropped. 50 people entered the room all of a sudden, and they screamed “It’s about to happen,” she recalled, “and they chased me down the hallway and right into the operating room. Megan, who was 28 weeks pregnant, was brought in. pre-C-section care. I was having a catheter put in, someone was checking my blood pressure, and someone else was giving me oxygen “She spoke. They were moving so quickly to get Georgie out that I was terrified they might cut open my stomach before I fell asleep. Megan was deposited by the physicians, and Estelle and Milo were raised intubated and sent to the ICU, before taking Georgie. After 20 minutes of trying to save her life, they call it downtime. Megan wakes up to find her doctor and Jesse standing by her bed.

He just started crying and said yes. Then they showed me pictures of Milo and said she was fine. Megan entered the hospital with three children, and – as Milo was still recovering in the NICU – there were none left. I came home without my baby, and it was a really horrible feeling,” she said. “I felt like I wasn’t a mother yet, even though I did. fast, eight days after giving birth, I’m back in my old jeans You can’t even tell I’m pregnant But Megan still has the sleepless nights of a new mom, milking Milo and yearning finally got a chance to breastfeed my daughter. I sobbed like a baby when she first breastfed. I think the nurses thought I was weird,’ she said with a laugh.

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