4 Things Your Baby Can Do But You Never Knew

The innocent appearance of your infant hides a brilliant mind that you are completely unaware of. The cerebral prowess of your youngster shouldn’t come as a surprise. Researchers have discovered that infants not only observe the world around them but may also wow you with some incredible things you never expected. Here are six amazing things a baby can achieve that an adult might not be aware of:

1.Your Baby Can Speak A Second Language

It is innately possible to pick up a second language during infancy. Studies have shown that having multiple languages helps your child develop better memory, focus, and flexible thinking. It used to be thought that you shouldn’t introduce a second language to your child until they are three years old. However, a 2009 study at the International School for Advanced Studies in Italy revealed that multilingual infants have vocabularies from both languages. Compared to infants that are learning only one language, they would have at least 50 words at the age of 18 in their vocabulary.

2.Recognizing Faces

By the time they are six months old, your baby can master the art of facial recognition. After a week, your newborn will identify your face. It also demonstrates that around nine months, the capacity to recognize face features starts to decline. Some academics contest the idea that it will eventually fade. Instead, they contend that with enough exposure, a kid can come to recognize the faces of many ethnic groups and that this ability can last until adulthood.

3.Babies Are Receptive To Emotions

It’s true that they can identify a happy or a sad expression as was testified by the University of California at Berkeley study. A bunch of 14-month-old infants was shown two closed boxes. The kids watched an adult who peered into the boxes displaying pleasure for one, disgust for the other. When the babies were offered to choose between the boxes, most chose the ‘happy’ box.

Babies are receptive to emotions by the time they are a few months old. By the time they turn one, they know what a person might feel like. Also, babies could be concerned about you. In a study, it was found that 18-month-olds would try to retrieve a clothespin, and later throw it as if they didn’t want it. But when an adult would drop it, the baby would show empathy in crawling to retrieve it for him.

4.Babies Can Talk With Hands

Sign language is an infant’s initial means of communicating. Even before they can speak, they attempt to make signals. He would point to passing cars or birds flying through the air. You could make out his words and phrases by the ninth month. Your infant may be familiar with how to utilize several objects by the time he turns one, having observed people using them. Try to communicate with your infant using signs to help him develop a mental framework that will make learning any language easier later in life. It has been discovered that babies who utilize sign language before they start speaking perform better on IQ tests, exhibit greater self-confidence, and have a wider vocabulary than their non-signing counterparts. You  could tap into your child’s communication skills by introducing sign language as soon as he’s born. You could use signs for the five basic instincts viz., ‘eating’, ‘drinking’, ‘sleeping’, ‘wet’ and ‘more’. Gradually you could

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