After welcoming their third set of twins, Aiden and Jaiden, who are now three months old, Jolene Mckee, 32, and her husband Andrew, 33, of Brooklyn, New York, are now a family of eight. Six children from three parents, according to the mother of six, has been a blessing. Since twins are all they have ever known, she has grown more confident with each child.
Each new life is a priceless gift from God. The fact that a mother had her third set of twins in a row, giving birth to six children in five years, came as a big surprise. Peyton and Paige, now five, Abigail and Andrew, now three, and Aiden and Jaiden, their newest additions, make up the family of Jolene and Andrew. I never thought I’d have a big family, remarked Jolene. I believe I am only capable of having one or two kids. Fortunately, though, I had six children instead of just three.
I accepted that this must be what I was meant to do when I learned that I was having twins for the third time. Three months prior to being pregnant with her first twins, Jolene gave birth to a. I was so ready to visit the doctor for a scan after experiencing s’s. Because they took their time and called someone into the room, I got the entire time, Jolene stated. They later informed me that I was having twins.
Jolene found out she was pregnant again and was expecting another pair of twins two years later. She recalled having a strong suspicion that she was carrying another set of twins, but admitted that even after the information was confirmed, she and her husband were both astonished.
The doctor said that in 25 years he had never seen a woman give birth to three sets of twins. Jolene admits that, after giving birth to Abigail and Andrew, giving birth to twins was a challenge. However, raising twins is all they know, so they feel easier with each set of twins.
The couple said that arranging time to raise and care for six children was a challenge. It takes a lot of time, and a specific schedule. From the time of eating and sleeping, the number of clothes that need to be washed and prepared. I have to wash at least 6 times a week, the number of times I go to the kitchen to prepare food has also increased.
But all the children are very close and get along well. I love our family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.