8 Old-Fashioned Girls’ Nicknames With Comeback Potential

If you wish to channel an era past while naming your sweet little daughter, old-fashioned girl names are what you should be looking for. Sometimes, brand-new parents adore the retro mood, wish to choose a name for their child that brings back fond memories, or just have a gut feeling that the baby girl is an old soul.

If you know that your little girl is destined to be an old soul, consider an old-fashioned name for your daughter. “Grandma” names are not just for grandmas. These traditional lady names have demonstrated their durability over time.

Today, retro names are hip and distinctive. These traditional girl names are uncommon now because you don’t hear them very often.

Go back to a simpler time, and give your baby girl a pretty vintage name full of history and delight. Pay homage to the previous era with a fancy old name that is cute and sweet, just like your little lady.

  1. Birdie

A feminine name of English and Swedish origin, Birdie means “bird”. Simple meaning, but it’s so quirky and cute that it continues to maintain its popularity even to this age. This nickname is appropriate for your baby girl, especially if you enjoy nature or birds. It has a distinct vintage appeal.

  1. Bonnie

Bonnie is a timeless name that is adored by people all around the world. Its roots are Scottish and French, although its connotations are a little different. While the Scottish meaning is “pretty, attractive”, the French meaning is “good”. Either way, this is quite a fun name that’s also meaningful enough to make it to your list.

  1. Goldie

If you love metal gold and you believe that your baby girl is nothing short of pure gold, this is a moniker you can’t say no to. Quite the nickname mainstay of the 19th century, Goldie is a popular character name on TV, The New Normal. While it sounds a bit common these days, it carries the charm that makes it a catchy moniker.

  1. Flossie

Meaning “flower, prosperous or flourishing”, Flossie is a baby girl name with Latin roots. If spring is your favorite time of the year or just the sound of this name makes you feel good, it’s a beautiful choice for your little girl. The term “Flossie,” which is short for Florence, relates to the goddess of spring in Roman mythology. Early in the 20th century, Flossie gained popularity and is now a well-liked moniker for cute baby girls.

  1. Minnie

Sweet-sounding and ultra old-fashioned, Minnie is a popular nickname choice that’ll make everyone fall in love! A classic name, if your girl bears names like Mary, Margaret, or Minerva, Minnie is a great nickname to narrow down on. Minnie is a girl’s name that means “of the mind or intelligence,” and it’s also a really cute and entertaining one, mostly because Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend is often associated with it. Several other characters called Minnie in Dickens’ Little Dorrit and Mourning Becomes Electra by Eugene O’ Neill.

  1. Polly

An English variation of Molly, Polly means “drop of the sea or beloved”. Polly is associated with Tom Sawyer’s aunt. Along With Coming Polly, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, and the most recent Netflix series Orange Is The New Black all feature her as a character. It’s a great choice for your baby girl’s name list because it’s sweet and has a nice ring to it. It does have a positive energy to it.

  1. Millie

A name with German, English roots, Millie means “gentle strength” and diminutive of an appealing long-form, Millicent. It’s offbeat, vibrant, and a pretty cool name for your cute little daughter. It’s a winner among popular nicknames for baby girls, especially for parents who find old-fashioned sweet and meaningful.

  1. Winnie

Winnie has English roots and means “gentle friend, holy peacemaking”. With such a colossal vintage charm, this moniker has such a lovely ring to it; it’s got to be a hot favorite among millennial moms. Winnie Foster, the main character in the classic Tuck Everlasting, Winnie the Pooh, Winnie Mandela, the former spouse of South African President Nelson Mandela, and Winston Churchill also have this name. The list of notable people and fictional characters that have this name is extensive, but Winnie stands out as a shorter variant of lengthy names like Edwina and Winifred.

You can breathe new life into old names with some twists and turns. Although the names on the list are dated, they nonetheless possess the same allure as they did even centuries ago. No matter what age we belong to, their allure transcends time and is timeless, and we are convinced they will never lose their luster. Do you have some more old-fashioned baby girl nicknames to add to this list? Do share your recommendations with us in the comments section below.

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