7 Reasons You Want A Girl And 7 Reasons You Want A Boy

If you’re a soon-to-be mommy who is yet to discover the gender of her child, then you and your partner have pro baby fantasized about whom it is y’all want. Becoming a parent is the most wonderful experience, and everyone wants to be blessed with a healthy baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.

Whatever the case, here are seven reasons why you should root for a girl. Or a boy. Psst, gender equality people!

Daughters fill your home with love, laughter, and happiness ever after. 7 Reasons You Want A Baby Girl

  1. Hello, the clothes!

This doesn’t mean that mama won’t go crazy shopping for boys, but there is something very different when shopping for a little girl.  All those adorable dresses with the lace. And ruffles. And frills. It’s like possessing a real life doll. It’s like playing dress-up with your little girl, and both of you will have a great time doing it.

  1. The beautiful hair

She may start out, well, bald but once she has a full head of hair, you won’t be able to resist styling it with braids, pigtails, oversized hair bows and glittery barrettes.

  1. The opportunity to relive your childhood

The advantage of raising a girl over a male is that you may create activities for her that you know she’ll enjoy using your wealth of childhood memories as inspiration.

  1. All the talking

You’re going to like the verbosity because baby girls typically start talking far earlier than baby boys do, and after nearly 18 months of tolerating one-sided conversations.

  1. Chance to be her role model

All baby girls aspire to grow up and be exactly like their mommies! She will always love and admire you more. Isn’t that just adorable?

  1. The diaper changes

Changing diapers can be messy, no matter what gender your baby is. But there is a very great advantage to having a little girl when it comes to this element, and that is no squirts of pee on your face or clothes.

  1. The hand-me-downs

Since new parents love purchasing baby girl clothes (can you blame them?), it isn’t that unusual for you to discover brand new baby-girl clothing with the tags still on- sweet!

Since boys bond differently to their parents than girls, certain experiences will be exclusive to you if you are the parents of a baby boy. 7 Reasons You Want A Baby Boy.

  1. Less clothes

Sure, baby girls’ clothes might be cuter, but boys’ togs are simpler and fewer in number, which makes a new mama’s life much easier. This simplicity comes with a hidden bonus: you won’t spend nearly as much money dressing your little guy as you would a girl.

  1. His awesome energy

Baby boys are just brimming with super fun energy, which makes it a pleasure to see as they stumble upon the world.

  1. The easy-breezy hair

Whatever, he is a boy! And when his hair grows in, it probably won’t require much maintenance. Even at home, you might be able to cut it yourself. Beats battling knots and battling braids!

  1. Boys Love Their Mamas

Some may label it Oedipus complex or some other esoteric phrase – the phenomenon is undeniable. Baby boys simply have a more unique relationship and love with their mothers. Admit it, you’ve noticed it in your partner as well. Isn’t it lovely?

  1. Less pressure

It’s more likely he wants to marry someone like his momma than grow up to be like his mommy. In the end, it is your responsibility to teach a baby girl how to become a woman if you are parenting her. The pressure is all on your man when you have a boy.

  1. Chance to glimpse your man’s childhood

Your mother-in-law must have told you some tales from his childhood, but the best way to catch a glimpse of what your man was like as a baby boy is through your own precious son.

  1. No cycle madness

Being a woman is awesome, but the puberty and hormones? Not so much. Now a boy isn’t immune to teenage mood swings, but at least you won’t ever have to worry about synced cycles.

After reading this you may have arrived at the same conclusion as us. Having a baby boy or a baby girl has its advantages and disadvantages, but whichever wonderful bundle you are blessed with, you are blessed.

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