5 Scientific Signs That You’re Having a Boy or a Girl

It’s certainly a lot of fun guessing when you’re expecting … and there’s no shortage of people willing to join in (you’re carrying a boy because you’re carrying high in your belly, says one friend; you’ve got acne because you’re carrying a girl, says your mom).

Numerous studies have found that it’s possible to find which gender you are carrying. The game of odds is significantly less accurate than we would like it to be; even scientifically supported predictions frequently lean only slightly one way or the other. Intrigued? Read on to know how certain scientific signs during pregnancy give away cues about the gender of your baby:

Can You Tell If Your Baby Is A Boy Or A Girl?

Finding out the baby’s gender is truly exciting. But even though some parents like to keep it a secret till childbirth, it’s still fun to know if it’s a boy or a girl before the due date. If you’re excited, here are some scientific facts that have aimed to verify tales and superstitions about the gender of the baby in the womb:

  1. You’re Suffering From Severe Nausea And Vomiting

It is common for moms-to-be to experience morning sickness. Its intensity may vary, but this is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Some moms seem to have it worse — they suffer from severe nausea and vomiting, scientifically termed as Hyperemesis Gravidarum (GV). Studies have found that women who are pregnant with girls may be more likely to experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. These findings were even more strongly linked to women who suffer from severe morning sickness. The culprit here is the pregnancy hormone hCG produced more by female fetuses than males.

  1. You Have A Forgetful Memory

You must have heard that pregnancy could mean that you’re pretty tired at any given time of the day but did you know that if you’re expecting a baby girl, you could also have trouble remembering things? Yes, it’s true! Additionally, it is said that when you are a boy, you will prefer saltier meals like chips, fries, and pickles, and when you are a girl, you would crave sweets and chocolates more. According to science, you might be carrying a boy if you appear to be overeating or if your appetite has dramatically increased.

  1. You’re Stressed Out

The more stressed out you were when you conceived, the more likely it is that you’ll have a girl, say researchers. That’s because girls may be less vulnerable to unfavorable conditions in the womb than boys are.

One small 2019 study, for example, found that moms-to-be who reported experiencing physical and psychological stress were more likely to give birth to daughters.

  1. You Have Gestational Diabetes

According to another study, pregnant women with gestational diabetes — a condition with an increased level of glucose in the blood — are more likely to have sons than daughters. Even though scientists are unaware of the precise cause, numerous studies have shown that a boy fetus will cause more pregnancy-related metabolic problems than a girl fetus.

  1. You’re Always Hungry

It’s a known fact that your appetite changes during pregnancy. Thanks to morning sickness, some moms have trouble eating most things they liked before conception, or they have weird cravings that are seemingly insatiable. Additionally, it is said that when you are a boy, you will prefer saltier meals like chips, fries, and pickles, and when you are a girl, you would crave sweets and chocolates more. According to science, you might be carrying a boy if you appear to be overeating or if your appetite has dramatically increased. This seems to support the fact that sons need more resources, that is, a higher amount of calories than daughters, which also explains why boys tend to be heavier than girls at birth.

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