15 Before and After Pregnancy Shots That Show The Miracle of Birth

While some say giving birth is scary and others believe it’s the most beautiful thing in the world, the truth is, it’s a bit of both.

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. It’s the journey of bringing a tiny new person into the world and none of us would be here if it weren’t for it. While making the decision to have a baby and carrying it inside of you for nine months can be difficult, stressful, and even frightening at times, when you become a mother and hold your child in your arms, you are able to feel love in its most basic form.

We are celebrating the spirit of motherhood and would like to share with our readers the miraculous changes that take place before and after giving birth. We have compiled a list of photos showing maternity before and after giving birth. Take a look at how miraculous and mind-blowing the journey really is.

“There’s a whole world within you.”

“A mark for every breath you took, every blink, and every sleepy yawn”

“Nothing beats the feeling of finally holding your baby.”

“The best thing I learned in these last 4 weeks is the amount of LOVE I have inside me.”

“It amazes me what the human body is capable of.”

Her new workout partner

The journey of becoming a mom isn’t easy but mothers would do it all over again.

Despite all the struggles women go through while being pregnant, the magic and the beauty of pregnancy is definitely worth capturing.You and your child are now more attached than ever. Nobody save you and your baby knows your baby at this point. You should always be aware of the genuine marvel that is your body, which is capable of producing another human.

The love in her eyes says it all.

4 babies at once and this mama couldn’t be happier!

“An incredible husband and a beautiful baby who has opened my eyes to just how amazing this world really is”

The before and after photo shoots really touch people’s hearts as they reflect on the inner beauty of the pregnancy

“Weight loss pressures are extremely unnecessary…I decided to turn my energy toward my family.”

Her greatest treasure

A baby brings joy not just to the parents but to everyone around them.

This momma had a double surprise! And look how effortless she makes it look. I bet she’ll love some babysitter’s help in the future.

Pregnancy is truly a memorable and glorious time in a woman’s life. Everyone has their opinion on pregnancy. Some people may find the nine-month process of a woman’s body changing painful, yet many people find it to be extremely joyful.

Not everyone agrees, but pregnancy really is a miracle. Many of us have these melodious pregnancies and gasp in the wonderfulness of those nine months.

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