10 Things to Know About Baby Bump

Baby bumps are amazing! The idea of a little thing growing inside you is amazing! You just can’t stop thinking about it and you are obsessing over it more and more. Additionally, you need to contact it continuously. It’s very normal for you to be entranced by this lovely bump. But are you aware of the kinds of changes your body is undergoing during this process, both within and externally?

We present to you 10 important things you need to know about your baby bump

#1 In the beginning, there is no bump, it is inconspicuous

Finding out that you are about to have a baby is one of the most exciting feelings in this world. When you first learn you’re expecting, you won’t notice any change in your belly because the unborn child is still fairly small.

After 4 weeks, your baby just grows to the size of a poppy seed. Your baby bump will start gaining visibility after 3 months when your baby is the size of a lime.

#2 The Baby Bump becomes noticeable after 3 month

You will also develop stretch marks. Stretch marks are tiny tears that form when the skin supporting your belly starts stretching quite tightly. When you reach the 35-week mark, the streaks would start to get more prominent.

No, stretch marks cannot be avoided, but you can rest easy knowing that they will disappear once your body has given birth. Enjoy every second because a person is developing inside of you. These marks are precious!

#3 Butterflies in your stomach? It could be your baby-making small movements

Butterflies in your stomach may not always mean pre-baby jitters when you are pregnant. It could also mean that your baby has started making small small movements and is making its presence felt.

This early movement, called quickening, usually starts when you are 4 or 5 months pregnant. And this is just the beginning! The baby will now begin to become more and more active. You would be able to feel the baby’s little feet when you were six months old. Additionally, the doctor would want you to count the baby’s kicks after 28 weeks.

#4 You will notice a dark lining forming around the baby bump

Pregnancy hormones are a gift that your pregnancy gives you. These pregnancy hormones can lead to a number of skin anomalies. Don’t be alarmed if you notice a dark brown line growing on your lower tummy and extending to your pelvic area. Pregnancy is the one time when it is totally normal for it to occur.

#5 If your belly button is in, it might start protruding

If you sport a belly button that is an innie, well, as you go further into your pregnancy, it won’t stay an innie for long, and will develop into an outie. As your uterus expands, and your belly starts bulging out, your belly button will also start protruding. Don’t worry if your belly button is pierced. If the piercing is not fresh and your belly button has healed already, it should not be a cause for concern.

#6 The baby can hear you. Your belly is not a soundproof room!

In 16 weeks, your baby’s ears will develop. The baby can now hear your voice and the sounds around you. But by 26 weeks, your baby will be developed enough to respond to stimuli. If you sing to the baby or talk to it, it might give you a little kick!

#7 Touching your belly is totally okay. In fact, your baby likes it!

We know you enjoy touching your belly, and you know your baby enjoys it too! According to a few research fetuses respond powerfully to touches especially if that touch is coming from their mother. Now you can rub that bump without any guilt because your baby likes it!

#8 It is okay to measure a little big or small

On every prenatal visit, your practitioner will measure your bump using a tape. 1 or 2 cm off here and there is okay. It does not mean that your baby is not growing or is growing too much that you won’t be able to have a normal, vaginal delivery. It usually means that your due date is off by a few days.

#9 It could get uncomfortable pretty soon

As your belly grows rapidly, your ligaments might start paining because of the weight. Don’t mind a few forceful kicks and elbow jabs while the infant cries out for more room because it could get a little crowded for the newborn as well.

#10 Prepare to have that bump for a few months after your delivery

It took nine months for your belly to grow this size, so it will definitely take it a few or more months to shrink back to its normal size.

Your belly will undergo a lot of changes now that you are pregnant. Every day will be a brand-new experience for you. The ideal time to get to know your infant is now. Enjoy each and every second.

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