10 Stunning Photos That Perfectly Capture the Beauty of Giving Birth

Every birth is a different story although we are the same. Some births take countless hours, while others happen in mere minutes. While the mother goes through many changes at that time it is the little one who is the most confused with the turn of events. Look at these images associated with the birth taking process and you would understand its beauty too.

To celebrate the miracle of birth, we asked 10 birth photographers to share what makes their most treasured photos a story worth telling.

The photos empower the moms they depict and sometimes help heal memories of times when they felt weak or vulnerable, the images also prompt conversation around a somewhat taboo topic.

She Has Hair!

Birth Is Intensely Emotional And Intensely Physical

It Was The First Moment Of Complete Calmness.

It Shows The True Grit That All Mothers Posses

This First Meeting As A Family.

This Image To Me Represents The Future.

I Began To Cry Because It Was So Beautiful And So Rare.

It Shows The True Grit That All Mothers Possess.

Birth is intensely emotional and intensely physical

“Life is a miracle.”

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