10 Powerful Birth Photos That Celebrate The Strength Of Humanity

A lovely, transitory moment in time is birth. Each one has been unique; not one has been the same. Each is distinct, much like a fingerprint; every newborn has a different life narrative. It’s authentic, unvarnished, empowering, and honest. You and your life will never be the same after this day. Then you’ll discover what it’s like for your heart to be outside of your body. It exceeds your wildest expectations. It is stunningly terrifying. I couldn’t imagine not taking photos on this historic day to preserve this transformation. For this reason, I’m a major proponent of birth photography and believe you should think about having it done at your birth.

How sweet is the little hand reaching out to meet her mother, the first greetings for the person who has protected her for the past nine months and the years to come

The moments immediately following a birth are my favorite. Watching the reality set in that the labor is over, the baby is here and a family is forever changed. Kelly’s reaction was beautiful and emotional and watching her catch her baby girl was just really special.

I had the honor of documenting two births within 16 hours and my heart is FULL. I wouldn’t trade this crazy schedule of mine for anything

This moment was so precious to witness! That relief and the pure joy of having just rocked her birth and having her baby in her arms! It’s just so magical

People often ask about the difference between Fresh 48 and birth sessions. Both take a candid, documentary approach, but birth sessions include taking pictures while you’re in labor. It’s more about the labor journey, while Fresh 48 is about the post-labor moments.

This was such a beautiful birth to witness. It was baby , and all of the siblings were present for the labor and birth. The support and love during the whole labor and birth was breathtaking. I just met Nikki a few weeks before her due date, and after seeing the emotions of her friends and family, and watching her gracefully bring her baby into her arms, I felt like I had known her for a lifetime.

Carmen is also a BBY Certified Photographer! Carmen has also been a BBY Retreat speaker and shared her expertise as a part of our Essence of Birth Courses.

You see, this is parenthood in the rawest of form. Everything in this photo is love. The look on papas face when he sees his baby for the first time and his wife becomes a mama again. The look from mama reaching down to touch her baby for the first time. It’s the care and love given by two of the greatest midwives in this entire world. It’s just so humbling and amazing all in one photo. Thank you a million times for this experience!

Antenatal courses will often talk you through the main forms of ‘pain releif’- gas and air, pethedine/diamorphine/similar, epidurals. But there are plenty of drug free options that you may like to try instead or alongside these!

Mom and Dad have two little boys already. This pregnancy was much different and more difficult than mama’s previous pregnancies, so they expected a daughter. But when mom checked, baby was definitely a boy! Swipe to see her reaction.

Something I loved at their home was mom had decorated the walls of the birthing area with a few photos of optimal position for birth on the walls, birth affirmations, and a sweet picture her son drew of her giving birth with daddy, midwife, and photographer all there.

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