10 Epic Birth Photos That Prove the Gender Reveal Is Worth the Wait

These parents get the surprise of a lifetime the moment their baby is born. When moms are completely in the dark for nine months and then learn the truth about their baby’s sex, that moment is more than emotional. After such a lengthy wait, they don’t know whether they’re having a boy or a girl until their baby makes their first cry, and their immediate emotions are amazing.

Some mothers are able to have the moment immortalized when they receive this life-altering news thanks to skilled birth photographers. And it’s clear from their images that sometimes, big surprises are definitely worth the wait.

For the moms in these photos, patience definitely paid off, and their pure reactions are something these moms will always cherish. Try not to melt when you see these breathtaking birth images of mothers experiencing the most amazing shocks of their lives.

This Mom of Two Boys Finally Had a Girl

“When you thought you’d just given birth to your third boy … and realize you actually have your first girl. Incredible.”

When the Gender Ultrasound Got It Wrong

Kim Guiley believed she was carrying a girl during her second pregnancy, and her face says it all when she learns she really gave birth to the son she always wanted.

Mom Had the First Boy in the Family

She believed there would be no blue in her future because it had been more than 50 years since anyone on Dara Crouch’s mother’s side of the family had anything except a girl. But when she found out that she had delivered a baby boy, Crouch’s expression was beyond priceless.

Mom Delivered Over 11 Pounds of Pure Surprise

Natalie’s expression isn’t just from delivering an 11 lb., 2 oz. baby at home — it’s also because it’s the moment when she found out that she has a baby boy.

Mom Shocked To Welcome Another Boy

After giving birth to her second baby boy under water, this mother needed some time to celebrate and take it all in. She looked totally spent, but also completely at peace with her little boy.

Mom Holds Her First Daughter…

After having two boys, Adrienne finally welcomed her first baby girl and was overcome with emotions as soon as she found out. It had to be such a surreal experience for her.

Mom Had Her Son in the Shower

Birth photographer, Monet Nicole, captured baby Barrett’s surprise birth after as his mom, Jane, pushed him out in her shower.

Mom Labored for More Than a Day Before Meeting Her Girl

“Dad got to look down and announced the news — they had a daughter!” Monet Nicole wrote. What an incredible reward after all of those hours of hard work on mama’s part and support on dad’s.

Mom’s Rainbow Baby Girl…

“We tried and hoped and tried and hoped for you … for 3 long years. All the while picking up the pieces and trying to mend our hearts and lives and family… I finally gave up,” mom Candice wrote. “My little Rainbow. I think you were giving me peace…and your sister was saying she is finally ready….”

This Mom Had Her Fourth Baby Girl

This mom delivered baby No. 4 at home, and following tradition, it was yet another girl! What a precious little one. Mom’s smile certainly says it all … no gender disappointment in this family.

Mom’s First Boy

Immediately after delivery, these two big sisters were just as thrilled as Mom and Dad to meet their surprise baby brother. Mom looks so happy and relieved and her daughters look so ready for their baby brother.

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